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TheBridge Leaders Directory

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TheBridge profile: Miriam Vogel

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Name: Miriam Vogel

Current city: Chevy Chase, MD

Current job: Executive Director, EqualAI and Chair of the National AI Advisory Committee (NAIAC)

EqualAI is hiring!

Past job: Associate Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice

Q. Favorite spot for a coffee meeting? The Wing

Q. Describe how a skill you learned in a previous job helped you in your current job: Always try to operate as a team, your colleagues will provide extra fuel when you're running low and the group will ensure you have multiple points of view and a broader array of skills on hand to tackle any problem that you encounter.

Q. Job advice in three words? Never give up.

Q. How are you currently bridging the gap between innovation and regulation? EqualAI operates as a convenor, bringing together industry and government to identify and address this pervasive issue of bias in AI. We believe this is the only way to produce the appropriately targeted regulatory, policy and corporate solutions necessary to adequately address this issue given its breadth and depth.

Q. What can innovators learn from policymakers? Government can be your partner. Policy makers, for example, can define risk and liability in ways that will protect you down the line, which is important given the many unknowns in the tech space and the extended half life of the products innovators are bringing to market.

Q. What can policymakers learn from innovators? Change is inevitable. Systems will need to be restructured to adopt to the radical reconfiguration of the fora and methods through which we convene and operate. This will require an upfront investment of time and resources, but will pay off in ensuring public safety and stability.

Q. Best advice you’ve received? Being authentic is more important than appearing perfect.

Q. Favorite podcast you recommend? Anywhere Kara Swisher appears, especially ReCode podcast.

Q. Living person you admire? My former boss, Sally Yates, who is as inspiring as a boss as she is as a leader.

Q. How do you unwind after work? I hang out with my husband and daughters, usually listening to the adventures of their day and sharing mine.

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