Community connecting tech, policy and politics

International Women's Month

Conversations with female leaders in tech, policy and politics

Ahead of our next Women Talk Tech & Policy Discussion & Drinks and in the spirit of #InternationalWomensMonth, we wanted to share highlights from a few conversations with female leaders in technology, policy & politics. We couldn’t include everyone, many more profiles here. Don’t forget to nominate someone we are missing today!

“The real world rewards bravery – not perfection.” - Reshma Saujani, Founder and CEO of Girls Who Code

“Close the loop.” - Anna Mason, Partner, Revolution’s Rise of the Rest Seed fund

“Don’t be fearful.” - Betsy Cooper, Director of the Aspen Tech Policy Hub

“Send cold emails.” -  Katherine Boyle, Venture capitalist at General Catalyst

“Talent and intelligence are important but when it comes down to it being able to count on someone to persevere through obstacles to see an accomplishment through to the end is what makes me want to give someone more responsibility." - Casey Aden-Wansbury, Director of Federal Affairs, Airbnb

“Tackle what matters.” - Jennifer Pahlka, Founder and Executive Director, Code for America

“Keep bringing what you bring.” - Tekedra Mawakana, Chief External Officer at Waymo

“Innovators and policy makers must learn from each other that we have to move beyond a zero-sum game. That innovation without permission and power with accountability are not mutually exclusive.” - Maura Corbett, Founder and CEO, Glen Echo Group

“Never make assumptions.” - Anna Soellner, Communications Director, Reddit

“Move when you’re 80% ready.” - Carolyn Rodz, Founder and CEO, Alice

“For the most part, everybody is doing their best. We all work hard in life, but we all catch different breaks. The most important thing to do... no matter what the situation, is to be kind, honest, sincere, and hard working. It will pay off.” - Kristina Wilcox, Senior Vice President at Capitol Hill Consulting Group and Executive Director, Women's High Tech Coalition

“Be authentically you.” – Jamira Burley, Head of Youth Engagement and Skills, Global Business Coalition for Education

“Passion + Judgement > Expertise” - Jessica Nigro, General Manager and Head of Technology & Innovation Policy, Daimler

“My father always told me that the two constants in life are time and change. Given time, everything will change. So if you're happy, savor it; if you're miserable, take heart. I've found this to be true my whole life.” - Jay Newton-Small, CEO & founder of MemoryWell

“You don’t need to have all of the answers at the outset . . . Focus instead on working really hard and making loads of great relationships that you nurture over time.” - Shana Glenzer, Cofounder, DCFemTech

“Organizing is a profession just as complicated and specific as law, and the translation skills are just as vital.” - Brady Kriss, Executive Director, Ragtag

“Think small. The most profound innovations are the simplest. It's easy to get bogged down and in the weeds on issues..or try and take on the whole world at once. What are the simplest, sometimes obvious things we can do to improve an issue or problem?” - Emily Rasowsky, CEO/Founder of Women in Tech Campaign & Marketing at Sparkfund

“Integrity means everything.” - Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks, Member of U.S. House of Representatives, Co-founder of Congress’ 5G Caucus, Co-chair of the Women’s High Tech

“Always seek out the ‘best’ way to do something. Don't let routine deter you from identifying an opportunity to improve or innovate around an old construct.” - Camille Stewart, Policy at Google

“Do your homework” - Ina Fried, Chief Technology Correspondent at Axios. Author of Login, Axios' daily tech newsletter.

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Join TheBridge at the next Women Talk Tech & Policy Discussion & Drinks on April 3. RSVP here.