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TheBridge Events

TheBridge has partnered with leading tech, policy and political organizations including Microsoft, Google, Twitter, WeWork, Postmates, The US Chamber's Technology Engagement Center (C_TEC), National Journal's Policy Makers Network, Verizon, Dell, Lyft, Quorum, Airbnb, 1776, DCode, The United States Digital Service (USDS), The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Vrge Strategies, The Bank Policy Institute, Women's High-Tech Coalition, and more. 

Our events have included policy discussions, career networking events, Women in Tech series, resume and career workshops. How do you want to partner? Email us!  

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TheBridge events are unique. They drive a conversation between the public and private sector, promote understanding and collaboration while catalyzing meaningful and lasting connections. Our events range from intimate discussions among industry leaders, working groups and roundtables, to larger events broadcast live on C-SPAN-TV and have attracted all major outlets including PBS Newshour, Bloomberg, Reuters, The Wall Street Journal, TechCrunch, Recode, Politico, among others.

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Data Discrimination and Algorithmic Bias

Join TheBridge and All Tech is Human for a livestream discussion with Safiya Umoja Noble, author of Algorithms of Oppression and Associate Professor at UCLA, and Meredith Broussard, author of Artificial Unintelligence and Associate Professor at NYU, for a timely discussion on how data discrimination and algorithmic bias can perpetuate gender and racial stereotypes and inequalities. This conversation is being moderated by All Tech Is Human's David Ryan Polgar.

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Safiya Umoja Noble

Dr. Safiya Umoja Noble is an Associate Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in the Department of Information Studies where she serves as the Co-Director of the UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry. She also holds appointments in African American Studies and Gender Studies. She is a newly-appointed Research Associate to the Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford. Recently, she was a visiting faculty member to the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School of Communication. She began her academic career as an Assistant Professor in Department of Media and Cinema Studies and the Institute for Communications Research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Safiya is the author of a best-selling book on racist and sexist algorithmic bias in commercial search engines, entitled Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism (NYU Press), which has been widely-reviewed in journals and periodicals including the Los Angeles Review of Books, featured in the New York Public Library 2018 Best Books for Adults (non-fiction), and recognized by Bustle magazine as one of 10 Books about Race to Read Instead of Asking a Person of Color to Explain Things to You.

She is regularly quoted for her expertise on issues of algorithmic discrimination and technology bias by national and international press including The Guardian, the BBC, CNN International, USA Today, Wired, Time, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, The New York Times, and Virginia Public Radio, and a host of local news and podcasts, including Science Friction, and Science Friday to name a few. Recently, she was named in the “Top 25 Doers, Dreamers, and Drivers of 2019” by Government Technology magazine.

Meredith Broussard

Data journalist Meredith Broussard is an associate professor at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute of New York University and the author of “Artificial Unintelligence: How Computers Misunderstand the World.” Her academic research focuses on artificial intelligence in investigative reporting, with a particular interest in using data analysis for social good. She is also interested in ethical AI and appeared in the 2020 documentary Coded Bias.

She is an affiliate faculty member at the Moore Sloan Data Science Environment at the NYU Center for Data Science, a 2019 Reynolds Journalism Institute Fellow, and her work has been supported by the Institute of Museum & Library Services as well as the Tow Center at Columbia Journalism School. A former features editor at the Philadelphia Inquirer, she has also worked as a software developer at AT&T Bell Labs and the MIT Media Lab. Her features and essays have appeared in The Atlantic, Slate, and other outlets. Follow her on Twitter @merbroussard or contact her via


All Tech Is Human is an accelerator for tech consideration and hub for the Responsible Tech movement. By promoting knowledge-sharing & collaboration among a broad range of stakeholders, we aim to lessen the gap between how quickly we develop and deploy emerging technology and how slowly we consider its use, misuse, and unintended consequences. By leveraging the collective intelligence of the community, we can build a more thoughtful tech future. Sign-up for the All Tech Is Human newsletter.


TheBridge is a non-partisan organization breaking down silos and connecting professionals across technology, policy and politics — building stronger, more collaborative relationships. Join the community and learn more about TheBridge resources: searchable leaders directory, job board, events. Sign up for our bi-weekly updates to stay in touch.

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