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TheBridge Leaders Directory

TheBridge Leaders Directory includes hundreds of profiles with top leaders in technology, policy, politics. Check it out and nominate a leaders someone!

TheBridge Leaders Directory is an excellent resource of leaders, speakers, connections in technology, innovation, policy and politics.

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TheBridge profile: Kurt Bardella

Name: Kurt Bardella

Current Job: President & CEO of Endeavor Strategies and Publisher of the Morning Hangover

Q. Job advice in three words?
Proactive, Tenacity and Positivity

Q. Best advice you’ve received?
Be generous. Sounds simple, but it's amazing how much simple acts of kindness and generosity from others have resonated with me years later. Maybe it's just bringing a co-worker their favorite morning drink or responding to an email that you might otherwise ignore. Never underestimate how a small act of kindness can make a large difference in someone else's life.

Q. What do young people in a job worry about too much?
Being perfect or afraid to make a mistake. James Carville and Paul Begala once wrote: "There are two kinds of campaigns: the quick and the dead." So many people fall into the "paralysis of analysis" trap and end up missing out on opportunities because they're afraid of making a mistake. Fortune favors the bold. Don't get me wrong, thinking things through is important, but if you think too much, you might just talk yourself out of a good idea.