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TheBridge profile: Brittany Sickler


Name: Brittany Sickler

Current city: Washington, DC

Current job: Senior Innovation Policy Advisor, US Small Business Administration

Past job: Peace Corps Volunteer, El Novillero Guatemala

Q. Favorite spot for a coffee meeting? Dolcezza at the Wharf (but be sure to order coffee and take it outside by the water)

Q. Describe how a skill you learned in a previous job helped you in your current job. Working overseas for many years pushed me to be more self-aware (about my own bias and feelings) while simultaneously recognizing that everyone has their own individual lens through which they experience the world. Truly understanding people is key in my current job.

Q. Job advice in three words? Hone your curiosity.

Q. How are you (or your company, org, nonprofit) currently bridging the gap between innovation and regulation? Our team is the coordinating hub for the Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer Programs (SBIR/STTR). We interact with Congress, track legislation and develop policy that guides the SBIR federal agency programs, and direct funding and training for partner organizations to support potential applicants (for federal R&D dollars). All of this falls within the SBA’s overall mission to help small businesses start and grow. It’s fascinating to be in a spot with connections to entrepreneurs, support organizations, government, and more.

Q. What can innovators learn from policymakers? Some bureaucracy isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Taking the time to build out strong systems can give you the time to get relevant stakeholders/customers engaged, as well as expose any potential unintended outcomes.

Q. What can policymakers learn from innovators? Innovators are always looking at new or improved ways to solve problems, and build strong teams to overcome the challenges. Those of us in government should remember that we can do the same, taking our knowledge of policy and regulation and turning it into opportunity to strengthen the programs that impact people across the country.

Q. Favorite book/podcast/long-form article you recommend? The Art of Gathering has stuck with me this past year, influencing how I bring together partners, friends, teammates and more.

Q. What's one piece of advice you are still trying to master? When letting one day bleed into the next, and the next after that, I’ve been reminded to look at the Annie Dillard quote: “How we spend our days, is of course, how we spend our lives.” It’s always hard to fully align our priorities with our actions. 

Q. Most underrated virtue in an employee? Kindness.

Q. Favorite app? It’s one most people have forgotten, Swarm. I use it to check in various places when I travel. I have a horrible memory for names, so love being able to easily look up where I had great Dim Sum in Hong Kong, that amazing look out point in La Paz, or the delightful ecolodge in Timor-Leste.

Q. Last time you were completely unplugged? I was on the island of Borneo last month with no service. We spent three days on a small river boat in the rainforest and saw orangutans in the wild. Still gives me goosebumps.

Q. How do you unwind after work? Listening to Latin Party Anthems on Spotify.

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