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TheBridge profile: Kendra Brown


Name: Kendra Brown

Current city: Washington, DC

Current job: Vice President, Public Policy, Mastercard

Past job: Chief of Staff, Office of U.S. Representative G. K. Butterfield

Q. Favorite spot for a coffee meeting? Where I am.

Q. Is there something you are particularly proud of during your time at Mastercard? Yes, definitely. I had the opportunity to serve as one of thirteen volunteers in Mastercard's inaugural Racial Justice Virtual Pro Bono program, which connected Mastercard employees with nonprofits working to further racial equity. The program was born out of Mastercard’s In Solidarity initiative to combat racism and advance inclusion inside and outside its walls. These efforts are part of a broader push by Mastercard, companies and sports leagues to forge paths to end systemic racism in the U.S. You can read more about it here: How one group of employees is stepping up to help combat racial injustice.

Q. Describe how a skill you learned in a previous job helped you in your current job. In my previous role as Chief of Staff in the U.S. House of Representatives, I learned to prioritize short and long-term tasks simultaneously. In the ever-changing nature of Congress, it is imperative to balance the needs of the constituents with the current legislation and issues of the day. To do that well, you must take time to plan, communicate well, and remain informed. That is a direct correlation to the responsibilities of my current role.

Q. Job advice in three words? Work hard, always.

Q. How are you (or your company, org, nonprofit) currently bridging the gap between innovation and regulation? I am working with my colleagues on policy and regulatory affairs and social impact through community engagement, financial inclusion efforts and engagement with policy leaders.

Q. What can innovators learn from policymakers? The current landscape and possibilities.

Q. What can policymakers learn from innovators? What is on the horizon.

Q. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself in the beginning of your career? Don’t get in your own way. Be thoughtful about the future and move in the direction of your dreams. 

Q. Favorite book/podcast/long-form article you recommend? Praying With Power When Life Gets Tough by Jackie M. Johnson.

Q. While we know everyday is probably different, can you describe a "day in the life" of your job? Monitoring internal and external updates, planning, tracking my issue areas, and speaking with the team in Washington and other locations on pertinent topics.  

Q. Most underrated virtue in an employee? Thoroughness. 

 Q. If you had to live in another city, which would it be? San Francisco. 

 Q. Best advice you’ve received? Excellence is mastering the fundamentals.

 Q. Last time you were completely unplugged? The holidays.

 Q. Morning routine? Wake up, read my daily inspiration, grab my coffee, and the day begins! 

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