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TheBridge Leaders Directory

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TheBridge profile: Nadia Rahman


Name: Nadia Rahman

Current city: San Francisco, CA

Current job: Associate Vice President, Digital Insights at Finn Partners

Past job: Digital Strategist at Ogilvy Washington

Q. Favorite spot for a coffee meeting? In DC, Emissary near Dupont. In SF, Rise and Grind in Inner Richmond.

Q. Describe one way how a skill you learned in a previous job helped you in your new job. Know your audience. Early on in my career, I learned that the way you get people to hear you out and give you a chance to persuade them is by listening and investing the time and energy in getting to know who they are, what they need, and what they care about. And then delivering what they want in a manner and in the language they understand. Whether it is a potential customer, employer, constituent; that audience-centric approach is universal.

Q. Job advice in three words? Integrity. Awareness. Communication.

Q. How are you (or your company, org, nonprofit) currently bridging the gap between politics and tech? Policy and tech are two forces that shape each other and also impact and transform other sectors. My firm is focused on helping our clients anticipate and navigate these fluctuations and changes while positioning our clients to effectively reach and serve their target audiences and constituencies.

Q. Last time you were completely unplugged? October 2016 in Peru: I hiked the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu with some friends and we were totally disconnected for those four days. It was refreshing to be able to focus solely on the experience, the beautiful surroundings and the people I was with. It was the most meaningful vacation that I have taken thus far. 

Q. Best advice you’ve received? No one is that wise, enlightened, or as put together as they appear; we’re all swinging from vine to vine each day. And there are a variety of inputs and factors in each of our lives that can help us be amazing or totally derail us. When you identify this commonality in other people, you are more confident in yourself, and have more realistic expectations and empathy for others, too.

Q. Favorite restaurant? There are so many! But I will go with Le Diplomate in DC. The food is wonderful and it feels so Parisian. The chocolate pot de creme is hands down the best dessert in DC. 

Q. Living person you admire? Michelle Obama. She is so accomplished in her own right, well before she became the First Lady the world fell in love with. And she has done so much for female empowerment and children through her work in the White House. I was fortunate to witness her being interviewed by Roxane Gay at INBOUND 2017 this year. She was so real - warm, authentic and funny. She’s the best.

The South, TechnologyTheBridge