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TheBridge Leaders Directory

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TheBridge profile: Afua Bruce

Name: Afua Bruce

Current city: Washington, D.C.

Current job: Founder & Principal, ANB Advisory Group LLC & Author of The Tech That Comes Next: How Changemakers, Philanthropists, and Technologists Can Build an Equitable World

Past job: Chief Program Officer, Datakind; Director of Engineering, Public Interest Technology at New America; Executive Director, National Science and Technology Council, White House; Science and Technology strategy and program management, FBI

Q. How are you currently bridging the gap between innovation and regulation? At ANB Advisory Group, I work with organizatons that are funding, building, or implementing responsible tech & data solutions. I've gotten to help funding organizations create grant programs that focus on combining tech and equity, and I've gotten to help tech & policy organizations improve their organizational structures & processes, as well as develop a strong strategic plan.

Q. What can innovators learn from policymakers? Government typically has to design policy for all of society, whereas innovators can focus on particular segments; innovators can learn to incorporate an inclusive mindset when designing products. Additionally, innovators can learn ways to tie their work to a public service mission.

Q. What can policymakers learn from innovators? Policymakers can learn how to experiment and iterate before launching a full program or policy at scale. Getting user feedback and thorough user testing -- not just input and comments -- can help ensure policies are effective and efficient.

Q. Describe how a skill you learned in a previous job helped you in your current job.  While at the FBI, I saw agents close investigations that took years to complete. Despite other investigations starting and finishing, leadership changes, and having to do administrative work, agents were able to continue working cases over long periods of time. The ability to focus and execute on long-term goals and projects is especially helpful in the tech & policy space, where there's often a temptation to chase the newest shiny object, instead of finishing a comparatively mundane project.

Q. Job advice in three words?  Don't give up

Q. Favorite book/podcast/long-form article you recommend? Other than The Tech That Comes Next? I really enjoyed Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make -- and Keep -- Friends by Marisa G Franco. I've learned practical tips to strengthen my personal and professional relationships.

Q. Most underrated virtue in an employee?  The most underrated virtue in an employee is the ability to keep a poker face. When conducting stakeholder/user interviews, you never know what you might hear! Not overreacting can help employees maintain trust and respect with stakeholders.

Q. Favorite spot for a coffee meeting? Teaism

Q. Best advice you’ve received? The best advice I've received is: "Everything is not your ministry, and that's okay." There's often a temptation in the workplace to do everything or to learn the details about everything. Instead, figure out what you're best at and focus on that. Build a team and trust a team that has complementary strengths so others can also focus on what they're best at.

Q. How do you unwind after work? I unwind by baking. There's something about the precision and focus baking demands that requires me to take my mind off work and be present in the moment. And when I'm finished, I have delicious baked goods to give to friends.

Q. Morning routine? My morning routine typically consists of exercise, meditation or reading, and making a quality breakfast for myself.

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