Community connecting tech, policy and politics

TheBridge Leaders Directory

TheBridge Leaders Directory includes hundreds of profiles with top leaders in technology, policy, politics. Check it out and nominate a leaders someone!

TheBridge Leaders Directory is an excellent resource of leaders, speakers, connections in technology, innovation, policy and politics.

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TheBridge profile: Shubhansha Agrawal

Name: Shubhansha Agrawal

Current city: San Francisco, CA

Current job: Head of Product, Contributions & Community at Yelp & Advisory Board Member for DevNetwork & Harvard Business Review

Past job: Product Lead, Core Experience at MyFitnessPal; Product Manager, Software EngineerProduct Manager, Software Engineer at Salesforce

Q. Job advice in three words? Resilience, Advocacy, Precision

Q. What can innovators learn from policymakers? Policymakers have to think about the masses and design with the interest of all of society in mind, something that technology innovators don't think about for their initial product launches.

Q. What can policymakers learn from innovators? Policymakers usually draft the whole initiative and then open it up for input from the masses at which point alterations are harder to make and the whole program can get shelved. From innovators, they can learn to collect user feedback early on and iterate to make sure they are inclusive and have a higher chance of approvals.

Q. Can you describe a skill you have carried throughout your career that has always proved to be valuable? Ability to be able to reduce the noise in chaos and think analytically has helped me tremendously in keeping calm in high-stress situations and managing crucial conversations.

Q. What is the best job interview question you have ever been asked? If you could start from scratch, how would you rethink the distribution of the internet to the underprivileged?

Q. Favorite book you recommend?
Inspired by Marty Cagan

Q. Why are you part of TheBridge community? Or, why do you think it's important this community exists for tech, policy, political, and society professionals? Being part of this community will help unlock the collaboration and learning opportunities between tech, and policy leaders that can drive meaningful change.

Q. Every day is probably different, but are there certain skills you think are essential to your job? The ability to connect with people and really understand the 'why' behind why they work on what they do.

Q. Best advice you’ve received? Find the balance between empathy and accountability.