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TheBridge profile: Bronwyn Flores


Name: Bronwyn Flores

Current city: Alexandria, VA

Current job: Policy Communications Specialist at Consumer Technology Association

Past job: Program Assistant at CTA (I've been here a long time!)

Q. Favorite spot for a coffee meeting? Commonwealth Joe

Q. Describe how a skill you learned in a previous job helped you in your current job. I got my start at CTA working on the CES Leaders in Technology program - a dedicated track for government attendees in Las Vegas. The role required a lot of collaboration with other departments that helped breakdown the silos within our organization. In my new role, I continue to collaborate outside of my policy comms team and am always looking for ways to engage new stakeholders inside and outside the building.

Q. Job advice in three words? Be about it.

Q. How are you (or CTA) currently bridging the gap between politics, innovation and regulation? Lately I have been working closely with small- and medium-sized tech companies that are 1) hurt by Trump's tariffs and 2) can't afford a dedicated, in-house communications or government affairs team. Together, with the wonderful CTA policy squad, we are helping entrepreneurs navigate the DC policy world and also elevating their story to national press. It's incredible how much good can come from taking the time to hear someone's story.

Q. What can innovators teach regulators? The value of breaking the mold.

Q. What can regulators teach innovators? What happens here effects everyone. You can't bury your head in the sand.

Q. Living person you admire? Sia. Her perseverance and personal struggles are helping her change the norm for the better. Also, she makes beautiful music that makes you dance and cry.

Q. Favorite under the radar company? Currently loving American Giant. American manufactured clothing that is cute, comfy and great for the fall (wearing their new hoodie dress now.)

Q. Last time you were completely unplugged? In July at a friend's wedding at Camp Hale, Colorado. Who needs reception when you're on a mountain with your best friends? 

Q. Morning routine? Take my dog (Draco, a Mastiff/Lab mix who stole my hear 8 years ago) out, make some kind of breakfast smoothie, journal and/or read the Washington Post depending on how much time I have, then get ready for work. I try to avoid email until I'm physically out the door and on the metro. Doesn't always work out, but a girl can dream.

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