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TheBridge Leaders Directory

TheBridge Leaders Directory includes hundreds of profiles with top leaders in technology, policy, politics. Check it out and nominate a leaders someone!

TheBridge Leaders Directory is an excellent resource of leaders, speakers, connections in technology, innovation, policy and politics.

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TheBridge profile: Cameron Johnson

Cam Johnson - Cameron Johnson.jpg

Name: Cameron Johnson

Current city: Dallas, TX

Current job: CEO, Nickson

Past job: Investment Banker, Goldman Sachs

Q. Favorite spot for a coffee meeting? Magnolias Sous Le Pont (Dallas)

Q. Job advice in three words? Find your passion.

Q. What can innovators teach regulators? Innovators can teach regulators how to explore and exploit new solutions to old problems. 

Q: What can regulators teach innovators? Regulators can teach innovators how to consider and mitigate the non-obvious externalities of their business models.

Q. Describe one skill you learned in a previous job that helped you in your new job. Learning how to effectively pitch investments helped tremendously when it came time to pitch my own venture.

Q. Best advice you’ve received? Failure is a prerequisite for success.

Q. Most underrated virtue in an employee? The ability and willingness to give unbiased feedback.

Q: Favorite under the radar company? Robinhood

Q: Last time you unplugged? Mother's Day (wife is pregnant!)

Q: How do you unwind after work? Cooking/ Grilling out

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